Proposal Tips in San Francisco

Monday December 21, 2020 | Design and Decor | Marquee Decor

Are you looking to pop the question soon? You have come to the right place. We are here to help you with all of your proposal needs. Our team has a lot of experience with wedding proposals and we want to pass it all onto you. From everything to the day planning and the day-of-planning. Let’s take a look at our best wedding proposal rentals in San Francisco.

Picking the Right Day

There are so many different factors that go into picking the right day to propose. Many people look at holidays when they are starting to consider proposing. This has resulted in the month of December having the highest proposal rate. Christmas Day, Christmas Eve and the Sunday before Christmas Eve dominate the list of most popular days to get engaged every year. The idea of popping the question during the Christmas season is a very attractive one. The holidays are all about coming together with people, creating a perfect theme for a proposal. Not to mention all of the gatherings that are going to be scheduled with friends and family. This is a perfect time to show off that new ring and celebrate with loved ones.

Proposal Rentals in San Francisco

If you don’t want to wait to propose in December, there are other great dates throughout the year to consider proposing. Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July are all very popular dates to get engaged. Anniversaries of key dates in your relationship are great for proposals. They hold a special meaning between the two of you and can feel more personal than getting engaged at the same time as everyone else. Consider the day you first met, the day you moved into together and other key moments in your relationship. Whatever the date, it will be a special one.

Proposal Decor in San Francisco

Once you have the date, the ring and the location that you want to propose at, you should consider proposal decor. Many people don’t even think about getting decor to decorate their wedding proposal. Adding decor to the scene is that extra step you can take to help make the proposal even more special then it already is. There are some great proposal rentals in San Francisco. Let’s take a look at some of them!

Marquee Letters in San Francisco

Marquee letters are a beautiful way of letting your partner know right away, the big question is coming. They make for a beautiful moment when they walk into the space and see the letters. Our marquee letters stand at 4 feet tall and can come with lights inside of them. The lights option are great for proposals happening at night or in the dark. These letters can illuminate any room they are in. If you have some help, you can have the letters hiding and then someone flips the power switch and reveals the letters. Each letter comes separately, allowing you to navigate and position the letters, even in smaller spaces. These are definitely one of the best proposal rentals in San Francisco.

Proposal Rentals in San Francisco

Flower Walls in San Francisco

Flower walls make for beautiful backdrops, no matter the occasion. They are especially great if you have someone on hand to take a photo of this special moment. Your precious photo will have a gorgeous flower backdrop to it. Our flower walls come in a variety of different colours. The most popular colour options for flower wall proposal rentals in San Francisco are red, pink and mixed. These flower walls are sized at eight by eight feet. The flower walls can be extended in increments of 8 feet horizontally if needed. Flower walls are a great piece of decor to have on display at any proposal.

Proposal Rentals in San Francisco

We hope that we were able to give you some insights on planning your wedding proposal. If you are interested in renting any of the items we talked about, we would be more than happy to help. You can contact us at 1 (855) 954-5152 or We have an experienced team that has serviced countless wedding proposals in the past.


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