Proposing with Marquee Letters in Tampa

Monday May 3, 2021 | Design and Decor | Marquee Decor

Trying to determine the best way to propose can be a very mentally exhausting experience. Where should I propose? How should I propose? Should it be over the top or simple? Who should be in on it with me? All of these questions go through someone’s head and it is totally understandable. This is a big moment and you want to ensure it goes off without a hitch. A fun way to propose is using marquee letters. Marquee letters are very beautiful and can help contribute to a surprise proposal reveal. Our team at Marquee Letters Rental has helped couples pop the big question. Let’s tell you about our proposal rentals in Tampa and how they help elevate your proposal.

Marquee Letters in Tampa

We have a variety of different marquee styles available for rent in Tampa. The most popular marquee style for proposals is our letters with lights option. These marquee letters stand at 4 feet tall and are decorated with soft white lights on the inside. The soft white lights on the inside of the letter illuminate it and make them visible from a great distance away in darker settings. The ability to turn the lights on and off create a huge surprise factor in darker settings. You don’t have to use the lights on these marquee letters if you don’t want to. Our proposal rentals in Tampa look great in light settings as well.

proposal rentals in Tampa

Using Marquee Letters in Tampa

Marquee letters are a piece of decor that not everyone may be familiar with. This can make you hesitant about getting these proposal rentals in Tampa. Our marquee letters are very easy to use and you won’t have to worry about any space issues. Each one of our marquee letters are lightweight and come individually. Allowing for the marquee letters to be placed in smaller spaces as you can easily move them around.

proposal rentals in Tampa

Wedding Proposal Rentals in Tampa

Proposing to your loved one is a special time. You may feel the moment needs more than just marquee letters to get your desired impact. We have plenty of decor that goes perfectly with our marquee rentals in Tampa. Our favourite piece that goes great with marquees during proposals is flower walls. Each one of our flower walls stand at 8 by 8 feet and are crafted using premium silk flowers. We have a wide variety of colors available for you to choose from. The beautiful silk flowers will help reinforce the feeling of love in the air.

proposal rentals in Tampa

Getting Proposal Rentals in Tampa

There are so many amazing rentals you can have on display during your proposal. You can contact Marquee Lights Rental at +1 (855) 954-5152 or We have an experienced team that will be able to answer any questions you may have and get you amazing decor.

For additional rentals, check out Flower Walls USA. Flower walls are a beautiful piece of decor to have on display during a proposal.

Contact us today!

Marquee Lights Rental USA


United States of America


(855) 954-5152






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