Marquee Lights at Festivals

Tuesday August 11, 2020 | Event Planning | Marquee Decor

Festivals are fun for those of all ages, going with family or friends. Spending all day going on rides, and looking at shops. Trying the new food crazes, eating all your meals from food trucks. Then staying up late to watch the fireworks. Marquee lights at festivals is a great addition to all the standard festival musts.

Adding marquee lights to your festival is the perfect way to spruce it up. You can customize what you want to spell – whether it be your festival name, the year, or a hashtag. This is great marketing because everyone will take pictures with the sign and post them on social media. Word of mouth advertising has evolved and if you know how to utilize it you’ll be golden. Creating an insta worthy photo op at your festival ensures what your guests will be sharing. 

Marquee Festival Name

The obvious word choice is your festival name. This one is great for your entrance. Everyone can take a photo as they enter or as they leave. During night time the lights will make this sign even better because they will illuminate the festival. 

Marquee Year

Adding the year marks the festival date – this would be great placed by the firework show so that when people take pictures and videos they can include the signage. 

Marquee Hashtag 

Make sure to create a hashtag so your guests can tag you and give you free marketing when they post on social media. This is the new wave word of mouth marketing – it has been enhanced by the internet to create a viral buzz. This will keep promotion costs low for you while still creating awareness. The hashtag can even be included in the marquee to make sure this is seen! 

You don’t have to pick just one of these options, you can pick all three! Spread them out and create many different focal points with marquee lighting at your festival.

Ready to rent your marquee lights for festivals? We have locations in Toronto, Markham, Richmond hill, St. Catharines, Kitchener, Mississauga, Newmarket, Ajax, Ancaster, Vaughan, Burlington, Oakville, Scarborough, Brampton, Hamilton, Guelph, Pickering, Whitby, Barrie and Oshawa.

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